My Story

I truly believe that this brand started the second that I made the conscious decision to work on my body and mind. Going back to 2019 me, I was extremely hopeless with the situation that I had gotten myself into. All of highschool I was extremely depressed and suffered from debilitating panic attacks. In January of 2020, I had finally had enough of being in the position I was and took complete accountability of how I got here. I looked myself in the mirror at my local YMCA and told myself “If it doesn't challenge you, it won’t change you”. That day I ran a quarter mile and it was the start of it all. Over the next couple years, especially during corona, I had managed to lose 100 pounds. I started around 255 at my heaviest and got down to 150 at my lightest. Over this journey I found peace, became less and less depressed, and my panic attacks faded into inexistence. This is when I began to learn that there was more to fitness than just working out and looking good. Fitness, bodybuilding, and taking care of yourself physically will in my opinion change your life completely. It will give you outlets to your demons and your vices. I decided to create this brand, this movement, as an outlet and ultimately the proof that the light on the other side of the tunnel does exist. You just have to light that shit up yourself.  

My Advice To Young Entrepreneurs 

My biggest piece of advice to young Visionaries and entrepreneurs is to chase impact and leave everything else to the side. I see way too many young kids these days solely after followers, money and a fake persona. I believe that when you live life with the intention of positively impacting all those around you, the universe will reward you in ways you could only ever imagine. Find ways to grow your network and impact that network with the skills, connections, and influence that you do have and it will reward you tenfold. As you evolve, find ways to get yourself into bigger and bigger rooms and find ways to provide value to those that are ahead of you. They will help you grow and give you opportunities you can't even imagine. Move out of your home town and chase a dream that you would die for. Find people who support you and have supported you since day one and keep these people around you. They will be your support and help motivate you when times get tough. Be willing to die for your dreams, or they will die on you. 

If you ever find yourself in a hard time or don’t know quite where to start, please reach out to me on Instagram @thedylantorpey. I'll always be here for you guys. 

-Dylan Torpey